Global offshore pipelines service provision and subsea systems.
Engineering design and construction management of subsea production systems has been one of the Zoubi Petro-Chemical Company (ZPCC) LMT Syria’s core business areas since the formation of the company.
Specialized technologies such as high-pressure and high-temperature, aggressive fluids and subsea processing are firmly established within our extensive project experience. This incorporates practical design and installation technology required for cost effective completion and operation of offshore field development facilities worldwide.
Zoubi Petro-Chemical Company (ZPCC) LMT Syria initiatives have assisted the offshore industry to move to subsea system configurations that are now more modular and allow greater flexibility with reduced risk. We have been able to validate these concepts via many subsea deepwater project applications. Zoubi Petro-Chemical Company (ZPCC) LMT Syria’s capability covers:
Development of field layout and operating philosophies
Assess operability and conduct flow assurance analyses
Develop technical definition for procurement and fabrication of subsea components
Manage factory acceptance and system integration tests
Supervise offshore installation, start up and commissioning
Manage deepwater contractors